This is it!

After 4 years with Orange, I am moving to a new company!

Since my masters project in June 2006 on TCP-UDP interactions in IP networks, I have covered quite a lot of ground. Going through IMS platforms and heavy SIP testing, full blown javascript Mobile Web OS running on Symbian and a myriad of prototypes using web technologies with PHP, Ruby on Rails, prototype, jQuery and a lot of other fancy things that I call “job search keywords”; I have become the web developer that I am today.

I have had the chance to be in projects that have made it all the way to being products, like My Social Life and snapshot, and although most of the stuff I’ve done did not get through the stringent French filter on what is good and what is useless (according to their ideas), I can’t complain too much for I had a nice ride! (Quite comfy as well!)

There have been quite a few nice people around me that taught me a few things, Simon and Thomas in particular, and other like Calum and Ivan hat have always made me want to push myself to show them who’s the daddy! (Not sure this last one has been successful, but the battle shall continue as I’ll join him!)

To all of these people, named and not named (sorry I can’t name you all, but you are not fogotten), I want to send a big thank you! (And I blame Simon for getting me into triathlon. Thanks man! You need to come for a ride some day!)

So, I am going to join the front end development team at Betfair in a weeks time and I can’t wait to start! I know that sounds strange, but hey, who with reasonable ambition does not like a good challenge?!

So Ivan, warm up that coffee machine, I’m coming!


  • IvanDM Sun, 24 Oct 2010 - 22:48

    Man, it's going to be LE-GEN-... wait for it... DARY! :D

  • Chabi Mon, 25 Oct 2010 - 06:50

    Nice, congrats on your move. Can't wait to hear about your new gig.

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