No my mum doesn’t have an iPad

It’s kind of crazy sometimes to work in an industry where everything is media, emails, posts, tweets, pings, poke and feeds. However, what many – including myself until recently – do not realise, is that we are all surrounded by a lot more people that have no idea what twitter is and can’t care less for facebook or the latest crazy app on iPhone.

A good example of this is my mum. She uses internet to check her emails like twice a week, go to gardening websites and sometimes pushes it and buys something online. But one thing my mum doesn’t understand – and doesn’t need at all – is that the crazy developer community that we are can communicate in less than 140 characters, text messages or through posts on a “wall”.

No, my mum doesn’t have an iPad. She has a phone, with buttons, I can hear her voice, and it’s great that way!

Use your phone.

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