
A while back I posted about frustration I had about a project not being released. I posted it with a blurred screenshot of a site that will not get released. I’ve re-read the terms of my contract with Orange and it’s clearly accepted in it that I have the right to produce static assets for portfolio matters. Here they are!

As Orange Labs is a vibrant little community of researchers and developers, the design intended to take the very clean corporate Orange theme and liven it up a little bit. Through the use of brushes and a slightly grungy, off-white background, I believe this has been achieved without loose the identity of the brand and that cleanliness that is typical to Orange branded websites.

It’s a shame it’s not going to be a living site but hopefully the screenshots will give you a good idea of what it is.


  • IvanDM Mon, 09 May 2011 - 10:13

    Well done! ;)

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