
There are many things that a designer/developer has to go through, with varying degrees of complexity and annoyance. We’ve all been there, all endured the pain of a browser not liking your latest CSS wizardry, servers crashing and a few late payments. It’s annoying, but except sometimes for this last one, we live!

However, for me, there is one thing that tops it all.

One thing that can make my blood boil in a few seconds of hearing the news: a completed project not published…

Now, if you work on a confidential project or a prototype, it may well be the case that you can’t show any of it. That’s fine, because you know it from day one. But when a client does it all; goes through the whole process of producing a quality website; makes me sweat and prevents me from sleeping with late requests that I dutifully include for being professional and passionate; and in the end tells me: “it’s not going to be released, we’re just scrapping it”, then i’m not happy.

Ok I’ve been paid for my work (at least this client did pay…), but at the end of the day, my work is not out there to be shown, tested in real life and most importantly: used. If you’re in a big agency, maybe it’s ok, maybe it’s part of it all. But if you are working on your own on the projects, then published work is your  showcase.

I let you guess which site this one should have been for:

The One Not ReleasedThe One Not Released

Thanks for your custom…


  • luca Mon, 21 Mar 2011 - 22:16


  • Matt Mon, 21 Mar 2011 - 22:24


  • IvanDM Mon, 21 Mar 2011 - 23:55

    Expected, given the client, but still very disappointed. If it can help, I can say that was a great work.

  • Matt Tue, 29 Mar 2011 - 21:31

    Well, not really expected, I truly believed this one would go out given that everyone in the lab was so enthusiastic. But as we discussed outside, it seems some people need to grow a pair and stand high and proud about their identity and what they do. Unfortunately this is not my call, but I'll play a clause in my contract where i can release screenshots of the site as part of my work as it has been agreed that way. This would not be the site itself as I cannot host a full working copy or even a mock indefinitely, but I think a few pages should be enough to illustrate. This work is by no means confidential as it has always been intended to be the front facing site of the lab. We'll see!

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