Moving on…

Last Friday was my last day at Betfair! After almost 2 years, I’ve decided a change was needed. I learnt a lot while being at Betfair, both technically and in team working skills. Some might argue that I’m opinionated and grumpy, but I’m just passionate about my jobĀ and I certainly grew a lot as an independent developer with my own ideas.

I’m starting straight away after this bank holiday week-end! No time to cool off or become a couch potato, I’m really excited to go to Lovefilm/Amazon next week, and it should be a great place to be!

I’ll have to update my commuting plans, the distance now being roughly 14 miles by bike, but I should be able to do that a couple of times a week without impacting too much my energy levels to be able to still have good week-end focused sessions. The train will have to become my friend a few times a week too, but I also have in mind to restore my mum’s 1974 motorised bike in the future. That should make for a nice little mechanics project, and a new way to get around!

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