A little bit guilty

Ivan came back today from a long week-end in Bruges and brought back with him… yes, chocolate.

Sweet little treats from BelgiumSweet little treats from Belgium

Now, that’s a fairly large pack of white chocolate discs that is better shared, and that’s why after offering a few around the team, he left it on the desk at the end of our row in the office. This desk happens to be right along the path of a busy corridor where people walk by to go around the office, and this has led to seeing many different and hilarious behaviours to actually GET one little chocolate from the bag.

  • You’ve got the rare unashamed that simply takes a fistful of them and walks by (probably having an indigestion afterwards), but it’s the unsure, shy and undecided that make the most of it!

  • Some look at it with envy… will they, will they not? Ok, maybe now… And then come back in the 5 seconds to grab one and litterally run away!

  • Some stare at the pack a long time, then around to check if anyone’s watching. Just look at them briefly, and they’re gone… poor them, chocolates are good!! You should have had one! Don’t look at them, they try to hide as much as possible that they just had one, but go away content! Yes the GUILT of eating chocolate that tastes more like butter is setting in! Will they manage???

  • Some can’t resist and walk by a few times, just to take yet another one! Come on!! Take a bunch! They’re there to be eaten!!

  • Some, finally, simply walk by, noticing something’s on offer but either deny themselves the guilty pleasure, or, like me, know they don’t really fancy it :-)

For me, chocolate is great, but not at anytime, and such a guilty little pleasure must be had only why I fancy it. However, it’s clear everyone has a different idea about this, and impromptu experiments like that are always fun to witness! Now… what are you looking at Mr? Still a few left…


  • Luca Wed, 23 Feb 2011 - 12:02

    I am more of a mix: * first type (take a bunch) * periodically poll to see whether there are still more left ( the polling interval length is inverse proportional to how piggish I feel that day :D )

  • IvanDM Wed, 23 Feb 2011 - 12:35

    You are welcome ;)

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